Kundalini Yoga uses key terms in Sanskrit. Here are a few helpful words and phrases to learn as you begin this practice.
Mantra- Repeated tones or phrases. When we repeat sounds of the tone or strike the tongue on the upper palate causes an internal healing, a vibrating that when focused, one can feel the sounds internally, while experiencing the sounds reverberate out externally.
Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo Ong Namo: I bow to the Divine of All that is” God, the Universe, Spirit, Source.
Guru Dev Namo: I bow to the Divine teacher within” God/Source is found in me.
By chanting this mantra we are not only vibrating this knowledge into our experience, we acknowledge the lineage of masters that held this practice prior to us and honor ourselves as being in relationship to the universe.
Asana- Is a term meaning body pose/posture. As we go through a kriya each movement will have a particular pose (seated or standing) to best optimize our energy flow.
Mudra- Means hand posture. In Eastern teachings we gain the understanding that our body is made of energy and we have points within our hands that allow the energy to connect and flow when we hold the electromagnetic connection with the simple act of holding our hand in a mudra.
Pranayama- breathing patterns that teach one to control one's breath pattern in a particular variety and length.
Bandha- Body Locks are ways we contract particular areas of the body.
Jalandarbandha- Neck lock
UddiyanaBandha- Chest cavity lock
Mulabandha- Root lock
Drishti- Means eye gaze or point of focus.
Savasana- Corpse pose. At the end of every yoga set we end in this pose. This Allows our bodies to incorporate all the energy moved, channeled and released throughout the kriya.